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International databases are now invaluable for research. At this point, we would like to show you a collection of relevant platforms. For further information we are grateful.

Genealogical Datenbases

Genteam probably the biggest Index-Plattform for Austria

Register books of the IKG Wien 1784-1911 by family search

Bohemian register books (and parts of Moravia) by badatelna

Genealogie Databases by Family Search

Southern bohemian register Books  1650-1900 by family search

Northern bohemian register Books 1571-1905 by family search

Register of German Jews 1933 by Steve Morse

Cemetery Database IKG Wien

Cemetery Database City of Vienna

JOWBR by Jewish Gen

Cemetery Database Lodz by Steve Morse

Cemetery Database Mount Hebron Flushing, New York

Cemetery Database for Argentina



Victims Database by Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes

Findbuch for NS-Victims by Nationalfunds of the Austrian Republic

Victims Database by Yad Vashem

Deportation Database by Yad Vashem

Victims- and Survivors-Database by USHMM

Holocaust-Database by Jewish Gen

Gedenkbuch des German State-Archives

Database for German "Minorities" 1939 by Tracing the Past

Victims-Database Theresienstadt

Victims-Database Auschwitz

Totenbuch Buchenwald

Victims-Database Dachau by Steve Morse

Auschwitz Fotodatabase by Steve Morse

Totenbuch Internment Gurs

Victims-Database Euthanasia



Israelian Statarchives

Migration Datenbase Hapag-Halle-Cuxhaven

Hamburger Passengers 1850-1934

Database Ellis Island, New York

US Census by Steve Morse

Migration-Database Latinamerika



Lehmann Address-Books Vienna 1859-1942

Orts- und Verkehrslexikon austro-hungarian Monarchy

Familia Austria

Cross Border Archives

anno digitized Austrian Newspaper

Digitale Bibliothek by Forum Middle- and Eastern-Europe



Birth Registers Ukraine 1650-1920

JRI Poland Index-Plattform Poland

Database for "Black-Sea-Germans"

Digitale Library Bukowina and Transylvania by LBI

Romanian Statearchives

Jewish Galicia and Bukowina

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